Monday 12 March 2012


and my heart is surrounded by fangs and barbed chains
Of being used ;having been dropped unprotected
Then after extraction of enough help
Being victimised to harshness by jealous females....
In slant words every direction you turn
Then the heart shuts the world
To hold your hand

For its people are propelled by competitiveness
To live in this world
One can only try to speak with lips
Say the right things......
But can you make prior self-opinionated people change their thoughts?
People who are cork sure to manipulate and run the show?
Who need to prove their power in words and actions
You really can not.........
                        For they will use their every ounce of influence to prove themselves right.........

How they try to trap the people of their environment to gather enough to blackmail or swindle........
So that as victims some may also loose lives;yet their powers make them happy...... politicking
The local concern; the news paper man,the retired man on his rounds, to build temples,
 for fame.......

Come lets leave the shores
Stand together my friend..........
Stand holding hands
Against the waves
Holding hands
To let the waves wash our feet
Is this not a treat?
I can feel the breeze on my cheeks....
Even smell the salty freshness sweet;

When you do this; the world fades to a distance;
Strange strength will flow in.....
The strength of togetherness
Changing the fears of being manipulated
To joys of girdle of friendship........
How people pretend to know
Just to reign supreme........
My eyes ask of you;

I see in you an answering smile
and your squeeze of my fingers returned with ardency
Shall we simply wash our faces in salty waters?
Accept the truths as they are?
Know that as we have seen yesterday;
Are seeing tomorrow
We will still get by today....

Beyond the crushing fears of ambivalence,
The pinching pains of deficient funds
The struggle of being genuine
To smile at the wayside dog
Caress the cheeks of the neighbours child
Hug the lonely old window
Carrying burdens on her head
For she must her next meal earn.......

To whistle a tune artlessly
To speak within our minds
For the world outside too was only reactive
It was not out to cut your throat you know
It was also by its own fears mauled
Was being defensive just like you perhaps....
Don't we all have to sometimes?
Then we must march on.....
For life must go on;

This few minutes holding hands
Has salvaged my spirits my friends.......
Many a word spoken here
Can not be spilt every where perhaps
Yet the warding evil stepping on my toes....
Has been washed away my friend.......
Your concern did what it could
Wake the positive vibrations to help
Sleeping spirits within
To jump into active actions!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOOT MALINI